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The turn of the year is always exciting! With all the hustle and bustle, food, friends and fireworks


Five way to keep your pets calm during firework

The turn of the year is always exciting! With all the hustle and bustle, food, friends and fireworks, it's easy to forget that this can actually be a very stressful time for your pet. Animals have incredibly sensitive hearing, and the sound of fireworks (unless your pet is used to it) can be frightening.

To make the New Year's transition safe and fun for you and your pet, we've put together 5 ways to keep your pet calm during fireworks.

Keep your pets indoors

Outdoors, noise can often be amplified and crowds can be very stressful on your fur, so it's best to leave your pets at home during a fireworks celebration. If you must leave them home alone, make sure all doors and windows are tightly closed and the TV is on to distract them from the fireworks outside.

Make sure they have a safe place at home

Create a little oasis of calm and serenity for your pet at home. Set up a room or box with their favorite blankets, making sure the windows are closed and the curtains drawn to keep out light or loud noises. Having a place where your pet can retreat to even during parties and other celebrations is important to building their confidence and helping them have a positive association with events.



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