With the return of Covid from the borders of the world, and the long story of working from home by gradually ending for many workers, a new concern appears at the door of the owners animals: what to do with animals that grow up with their parents around. every day of their beck and call?
Separation stress is real and has been seen in both animals and their owners in recent months. This phenomenon is more common in 'isolated animals', referring to animals that were adopted during the 2020-2021 isolation period and therefore did not experience much life without their owners. home.
But unless you are able to carry a bag full time to work from home and/or can afford a pet sitter, the isolation of your pet in your daily 9-5 is unavoidable (and not all workplaces provide a pet nursery), we are here to solve your problems and make your pets at home a little more enjoyable.

For the Canine Friends
Dogs, being active, happy, and social animals, are more vulnerable to stress than other animals. They are usually 'people-animals', extroverts, and love to be around their humans. Therefore, it will be a little difficult when people should leave them alone and go to work for 8 hours a day.
Here are a few ways for you to keep your pets engaged while you are away.
DIY food dispensing toys
You don't need to buy an expensive toy dispenser but can make a few at home. Welovepets.co.uk suggests freezing ice cubes and hiding small pieces or bone gravy in one or two of them and spreading them around the house. It's a great way to keep your dogs occupied when they find things confusing on the floor. They will play with them, lick them (thus adding hydration), and finally, will be surprised by the small treat.
It takes 10-15 minutes of preparation time and is a good way to pet our bird with one hand (in this house, we do not approve of harming the birds, even in words and proverbs).
Hide-and-seek games
Another DIY trick is to hide toys (or other things your dog likes) throughout the house. Most dogs are curious animals and they will roam around the house when you are not around. A few of these places can have a cure for them. It is suggested that you practice this game once or twice with your dog and set a default pattern so that you can start the game on and off when going to work, and your dog will know that there is what happened and what to do next.
Get your dog a furry brother or sister
Dogs thrive on company. A little more expensive (but not a bad idea) is to keep a second dog to keep your child company. We know this may not be a viable option for everyone out there, but if you have the means, this is a great way to go.
We, at Pet Scout, are always encouraging people to buy more (and not buy)!
For your Feline Friends
When it comes to keeping them involved, pet owners don't face the same dilemma when it comes to cats versus dogs. This is probably because cats are always aloof, like to keep to themselves, and are pretty independent. However, this does not apply to all cats, and however, it is not a bad idea to create activities for your cats to indulge themselves in (of course study, only they got bored of pestering pigeons on the window sill. the house nearby).
Cardboard boxes
Cats and their empty boxes is a love story told many times. Place a few boxes around the house (and maybe fill one or two of them with a piece of paper or a blanket), and let your cat wander around, find them, and check inside.
Cat specific furniture
Because cats are not easy to breed, it is a good idea to invest in (or maybe create, even) furniture specifically for cats. These will include cat trees and scratching posts, which will provide your cat with plenty of fun while you work.
Puzzle Toys
Another investment will be getting a puzzle toy (for the more curious kitties) where they have to solve the challenge (the cat is suitable) to show food or wet food.
Other methods that would work for both cats and dogs
Put special cat or dog videos on youtube, such as birds chirping, mice running, vegetables dancing, etc. and let your pets stay entertained.
Soothing ambient sounds can also help your pet relax, calm their nerves, and help them sleep.
If possible, try to make the window for them to look outside in the summer (this is where your cat will spend most of their time).
Start the day with high activity until you leave for work, they are already tired and go to sleep for more rest days.